Angry Indian Goddesses, the movie directed by Pan Nalin has hit the theaters on December 04, 2015, and it is getting positive responses from all corners. The film was panned for its contents by censor board during the time of screening, but after the release, things were proved wrong as it has satisfied both audiences and critics.
According to speculations, a Hollywood Production Company has approached Pan Nalin to make the film a TV Series, and this has literally boosted the confidence of the director. Now, Pan Nalin is penning a script for the sequel of this movie.
Angry Indian Goddesses Movie Review
An official announcement regarding the cast and crew will be made later. Audiences are very eager to know whether the director will retain the same star cast of the original in this movie.
Angry Indian Goddesses is a movie which portrayed the wild sexual fantasies of women. The film has Sandhya Mridul, Tannishtha Chatterjee, Sarah-Jane Dias, Anushka Manchanda, Amrit Maghera, Rajshri Deshpande and Pavleen Gujral in the lead roles.