Bollywood witnessed heavy competition when ‘Bajirao Mastani‘ and ‘Dilwale‘ hit the screens on December 18, 2015. As per latest updates, the Sanjay leela Bhansali flick has overpowered the Rohit Shetty movie, and this is undoubtedly a remarkable achievement.
According to credible sources, ‘Bajirao Mastani’ has grossed more than 300 Crores INR from Box Office. The film successfully grossed 211 Crores INR from Indian Box Office, and the remaining from overseas centers.
Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra have enacted the lead roles in this movie. The film showcases a historical romantic story, and it was well received by audiences and critics upon its release.
Bajirao Mastani 19th Day Box Office Collection is ₹5.13 crore. Its overall collection is ₹300+ crore.