Basil Joseph, the young Malayalam director has announced his next film Godha. it is a sports comedy film, which is based on Gusthi (wrestling). the film will have Tovino Thomas And Wamiqa Gabbi in the lead roles along with Renji Panicker and Aju Varghese in the supporting roles.
The film will be produced by Mukesh R Mehta under the banner E4Entertainment and scripted by Rakesh Mantodi who had written the film Thira before. the music for the film will be composed by Shaan Rahman and the cinematography handled by Vishnu Sharmaand edited by Abhinav Sunder Nayak.
Basil Joseph‘s debut film Kunjiramayanam was a huge hit at the box office and the film has recieved positive reviews from both critics and public. it features Vineeth Sreenivasan,Aju Varghese and Dhyan Sreenivasan in the lead roles.
The shoot is scheduled to start by the end of May at Punjab and Kerala. the rest of the cast, crew and production details will be updated soon.