Bhaag Johnny is an upcoming thriller film directed by Shivam Nair, which is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vikram Bhatt and the movie is co-produced by Ajay Kapoor. The movie features Kunal Khemu, Zoa Morani and debutant Mandana Karimi in lead roles. The story is set over a…
Bhaag Johnny Movie Review
Bhaag Johnny Movie Review
Bhaag Johnny is an upcoming thriller film directed by Shivam Nair, which is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vikram Bhatt and the movie is co-produced by Ajay Kapoor. The movie features Kunal Khemu, Zoa Morani and debutant Mandana Karimi in lead roles.
The story is set over a span of three days and features Kunal Kemmu as Janardhan aka Johnny, who is assigned to kill Tanya (Zoa Morani) and save her at the same time. The thriller has a good dose of action and chase sequences and the principal actors have done their own stunts.