Dhanush, one of the most versatile performers in Tamil Film Industry will be soon joining the sets of his new movie which is being directed by R S Durai Senthilkumar. The Pooja of the film was conducted today with the presence of crew members. Dhanush’s close aid Vetrimaaran was also present at the Pooja occassion.
Dhanush Aiming A Special Treat For Pongal
If reports are true, then the makers of the flick have titled the movie ‘Kodi’. The film is expected to be a high voltage political thriller, and it will have Trisha and Shamlee in the roles of lady leads. An official confirmation regarding the title of this movie will be unveiled in the coming days.
Dhanush is doing dual roles in this movie. Veteran director S A Chandrasekhar has also been roped to play a crucial role. shooting of this movie is expected to begin soon after things get stabilized in Chennai.
He is now busy with the release of his upcoming film Thanga Magan, which is written and directed by Velraj. the film features Dhanush, Samantha and Amy Jackson in the lead roles. the film is slated to release on 28th December 2015.