Hate Story 3 is an upcoming 2015 Bollywood thriller film directed by Vishal Pandya. the movie is produced by T-Series, the movie features Zarine Khan, Daisy Shah in lead roles with Karan Singh Grover, Sharman Joshi and in pivotal roles. Hate Story 3 is Written by Vikram Bhatt and Madhuri Banerji, the film is a sequel to Pandya’s 2014 thriller Hate Story 2. It is scheduled to release on 4 December 2015, and a 20 second long teaser was released upon the release of film Ek Paheli Leela. The theatrical trailer of the film released on 16th October 2015. It is a remake of Hollywood movie Indecent Proposal
- Daisy Shah
- Hate Story 3
- Karan Singh
- Sharman Joshi
- Zareen Khan