Priyanka Chopra fans are all on a high as the actress latest film Jai Gangaajal hit the theaters all around the world today. The film which is written, directed and produced by Prakash Jha. it features the ravishing Priyanka Chopra in the most stylish Police avatar. It should be noted that Prakash Jha has previously crafted acclaimed movies which includes Satyagraha, Chakravyuh and Raajneeti.
The film features SP Abha Mathur (Priyanka Chopra) who is appointed the first female SP of Bankipur district, Bihar. She then goes against the Local MLA of Bankipur (Manav Kaul) and henchmen of Lakhisarai district.
As per latest reports from overseas theaters, the film is a unique action drama with enough commercial elements. Prakash Jha has crafted the film perfectly, and he deserves a loud round of applause for his efforts.
The film also features Manav Kaul,Rahul Bhat and Queen Harish in the supporting roles.
In all probabilities, this movie will be a treat for Priyanka Chopra fans, and it will surely emerge as a blockbuster in theaters.
Omais Shariff @omaisshariff
@priyankachopra @JaiGangaajal @prakashjha27 @iiffiy Just Watched #JaiGangaajal in #Qatar.. Awesome Acting and Very nice message.Women Power!
AlwaysBollywood @AlwaysBollywood
#JaiGangaajal review: *** Watch it for the flawless acting of @priyankachopra who dares to take on &punish the baddies with her khaki attire
Rohit Kadam @PaintinDubaiRed
Saw #JaiGangaajal first day first show..n @priyankachopra u’ve absolutely killed it!! you’re utterly fabulous as Abha Mathur! #NationalAward
a. @IAlyazya_
As much as u hated Prakash in real life. Man ! He did a good job as a writer and director !!!! #JaiGangaajal the dialogues are so on point
Abha is a strong woman,born and raised in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.She has a lot of respect for the system. #JaiGangaajal I didn’t think of it like that at all. As a law-enforcement agent, Abha goes after criminals, regardless of gender. @priyankachopra
Gud.Bad.ugly @Movieception
Very flat narration so far n predictable too. #JaiGangaajal Prakash jha is rightly showing how system works but…… #JaiGangaajal Elevation scene Gooooooood #JaiGangaajal Finally movie on track…. back to back engaging scenes #JaiGangaajal Just remembered the basic plot is almost similar to sarkaar raj. But RGV did it better. #JaiGangaajal Intermission – took lot of time to get on the track but there are 2 to 3 scenes which r really good, intercal point is gud Hoping for a engaging second half. #JaiGangaajal After intermission – Takeoff #Peaks Very very powerful scene…. u can feel that rush. Awesome #JaiGangaajal Priyanka has nothing to do in the movie…. complete movie is taken over by prakash jha. (Even in screen space) Few scenes pre interval n post that are really gud. Rest of the movie is very average. No where near to its predecessor. #JaiGangaajal – 2.5/5 – watch it if u have nothing else to do.
Kiaara sandhu @kiaarasandhu1
@prakashjha27 makes remarkable debut, @priyankachopra shines & acts BRAVO. #JaiGangajal is a must watch #HatsOff Ratings-***1/2 @murlisharma72 looks terrific in #JaiGangajal ,one of his finest performance. He’s always a treat to watch.
Watching @prakashjha27 film always a different experience but sometimes he shock u wid extreme sense about subject.#JaiGangaajal Director @prakashjha27 back with All weapons ready,@priyankachopra Outstanding as never before.#JaiGangaajal Recommended for sure. Fantastic actress & we know it,Yes @priyankachopra performed just TREMENDOUSLY in each frame.@prakashjha27 passed acting test.#JaiGangaajal You will be a part of some seriously explained truth (Bitter) watching #JaiGangaajal ,So just go & feel it wid TOP actors. @priyankachopra (4./5)*
Dr Ejaz Waris @drejazwaris
Just saw #JaiGangaajal : what a brilliant movie must watch kinda stuff , @priyankachopra awesome and @prakashjha27 fantastic ! 9 on 10.
Stay updated here for Jai Gangaajal movie review and Rating… We will update very sonn!!!!!!!!!