Kathakali, the movie directed by Pandiraj which has Vishal in the lead role hit the theaters today. The film had a grand release, and it is competing with big flicks like ‘Tharai Thappattai’ and ‘Gethu‘ in Kollywood Box Office. As we all know, Pandiraj is a filmmaker who loves to make class movies, and he has maintained the same quality in this film as well.
In normal cases, a commercial movie from Vishal will be loaded with songs and fight sequences. But in ‘Kathakali’, there are only two songs, and these songs have direct impacts in determining the story line of the movie. It should be noted that ‘Kathakali’ marks the first outing of Pandiraj as an action movie director, and he has delivered things with finesse.
Unlike other Tamil movies, this film is just two hours in length, and the director has narrated the story in a very crisp manner. Being a power packed action thriller, it is not at all wise to indulge the storyline of the movie. But what we can tell is a basic outline which will make you go and watch the film in theaters.
In this film, Pandiraj showcases the life of a young man in the backdrop of a rainy night. A small incident in his life brings about drastic results, and now he is running for his life time mission to save everyone.
The major highlight of the movie is nothing but the performance of Vishal. The young star is in his full swing, and he literally carried the movie in his shoulders. His mannerisms and body style suited the character well, and many people lauded him for his style and charisma. His chemistry with Catherine Tresa is good.
The supporting star cast which includes Nassar, Karunas, Soori, Lakshmi Ramakrishnan and Sreejith Ravi have also enacted their characters well.
Music from Hiphop Tamizha is ordinary, and there is nothing to boast about. The cinematography is impeccable, and the camera man deserve a special round of applause for his effort.
If you are a Vishal fan who loves movies like ‘Poojai’ and ‘Aambala’, then Kathakali will not impress you. This is such a movie which will glue you to the theater seats without any on screen gimmicks, and it follows an International story telling style.