Katti Batti is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy film directed by Nikhil Advani, produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur and written by Anshul Singhal under the banner of UTV Motion Pictures. The film features Kangana Ranaut and Imran Khan in the lead roles. The film is released on September 18. Here…
Katti Batti Movie Review
Katti Batti Movie Review
Katti Batti is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy film directed by Nikhil Advani, produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur and written by Anshul Singhal under the banner of UTV Motion Pictures. The film features Kangana Ranaut and Imran Khan in the lead roles. The film is released on September 18. Here at Filmdhamaka.in we brings you the complete review of “Katti Batti”
An aspiring architect student Maddy, the role played by Imran Khan falls for a free will, witty and extremely hot fellow student Payal, the role played by Kangana Ranaut . Payal is straight forward in relationship who is commitment phobic, Maddy is the opposite but agrees to the free spirit for the obvious reasons and has a live-in relationship, which after 5 years breaks up due to obvious issues.
The music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy was good, especially the “Lip-to-Lip” track which lets you sit through the fiasco. Cinematography by Tushar Kapoor was colourful which was backed up with neat editing by Maahir Zaveri. The chemistry between the lead pair was convincing, and of course Kangana looked fabulous, but that is not enough to draw the audience in the coming days.
Why it’s disappointing, it’s just because it has Kangana in the lead, Nikhil Advani (Director) took us for granted thinking that the audience will ignore the sloppy screenplay he penned for “Katti Batti”. The movie is so clichéd making that word an understatement. The movie is not even 10% of what it was shown in the trailer, In fact it was just the trailer. It runs at a pace like the pet turtle Imran carries around in the movie, ultimately it seems like an affair between them rather with Kangana. It does not stop there, it gets worse by pretentious characters entering every other fold at the movie, making it blander which was as it is one. A movie doesn’t just work on high class set up with designer outfits and swanky set designs.
It had a good lead pair who looked like jokers due to lack of characterization by the director. Unfortunately even Kangana couldn’t carry this movie forwards as it was handicapped to that level. Imran Khan made a joker of himself with over acting which looked fake at most places. Nikhil Advani should take a break two flops in a row is not a good sign for him.
A cocktail of clichéd Bollywood stories which goes round and round making you dizzy with heavy dosage of nonsense. Nikhil Advani please take a break.