Mohanlal and Priyadarshan have created magic whenever they joined hands, and some of their noted hits in the past includes, Kilukkam, Mithunam, Thenmavin Kombathu and Chandralekha. Priyadrashan is not going through the nicest patches of his career, as he tasted continuous failure through movies like ‘Geetanjali’ and ‘Aamayum Muyalum ‘.
The recent news about the dream duo is regarding a new film in which they will join hands. The film has been titled ‘Oppam’, and it will showcase the story of a murder mystery.
In the film, Mohanlal will be seen in the role of a visually challenged man who is the only witness to a murder. If he fails to identify the convict, then he will be sued. Samuthirakani who has previously acted together with Mohanlal in ‘Shikkar’ will be doing the role of main antagonist in the movie.
More details regarding this new flick will be unleashed in the coming days. Shooting of this movie is expected to begin by February, and the main locations will be Ootty and Kochi.