If the buzz emerging from tollywood is to be believed, Nandamuri Harikrishna will be playing the father role of NTR in his upcoming film, Maa Nannaku Prematho. It is said that Harikrishna, the real life father will be apt for the role as it is a father-centric film and also is NTR’s 25th film.
However a final decision regarding this will be taking only after gauging NHK’s health issues. If not Harikrishna, Superstar Krishna may be an option. The regular shooting of the film will begin from May 15th in London. The schedule there will go on for 60 days.
The makers want to complete the film by early December and release it on January 8th, 2016 as Sankranthi special. The shooting will go nonstop till completion. Latest Sensation Rakul Preet Singh will be romancing NTR in this film directed by Sukumar.