That’s what insiders are saying looking at the way Ram Charan has rejected few films these days. As the news of him keeping Gautham Menon’s project aside and Naga Chaitanya jumping into the bandwagon is heard loud, let’s see what people are saying about this mega hero nowadays.
Sometime back when director Srikanth Addala narrated a love story to Cherry, he didn’t like the idea because the wound inflicted by ‘Orange’ is fresh. Bommarillu Bhaskar has left this youngster in a lurch with a murky result then. Later, many love stories have come this mega hero’s way but he rejected them all. As they say, if you are scared of a wind once, then you will fear forever.
A love story narrated by acclaimed director Krish, and another from Vijay Kumar Konda are also put aside by Charan. And the latest update is that he’s not doing Gautham Menon’s movie too. We wonder when our mega powerstar will overcome this fear of love stories. But, don’t blame Bhaskar alone.