Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, the young star who has enacted some noted roles in Tamil and Malayalam movies met with an accident today at Pollachi. Shanthanu has injured his face and knees while shooting a stunt scene for an untitled flick.
The actor himself shared this news through his official social media handle. “Stunts w/out a “Dupe”,one helluva risky Job!! Experience&fun thoughFace with stuck-out tongue and winking eye #PollachiBlack right arrow️ChalakudiFalls Shoot #UntitledFilm”, posted Shanthanu.
After getting inflicted with injuries, crew members took Shanthanu to hosiptal, and he got some first aid from there. The shooting has now resumed, and as per official reports, there is nothing to worry when it comes to the health of the actor.
We, film dhamaka hereby wishes speedy recovery to the actor.