Siva reveals the reason for not releasing Vedhalam trailer. Ajith Kumar’s much awaited film Vedhalam is written and directed by Siva, which is produced by A. M. Rathnam. The film features Ajith Kumar, Shruti Haasan, Lakshmi Menon in the lead roles. Ashwin Kakumanu and Kabir Duhan Singh appearing in the supporting roles. Anirudh Ravichander composed the film’s music and background score, while Vetri and Ruben were the film’s cinematographer and editor respectively. The film’s Telugu dubbed version titled Aavesham.
Read more Ajith Kumar’s Introduction Scene Leaked
The Teaser and song promo have already released and its created a huge impact on the Thala fans and audience both. Apart from this Ajith Kumar will be seen in dual stunning roles and no other details regarding the film has been revealed yet. This suspense is creating a lot of curiosity amongst the Thala fans.