Suriya, as an actor has given his best in Gautham Menon movies, and we have witnessed their magic through movies like ‘Kaakha Kaakha‘ and ‘Vaaranam Aayiram‘. But before an year, the duo developed a tiff when Surya expressed dissatisfaction on the script of ‘Dhruva Natchathiram‘.
After a series of word war, before two months, Gautham Menon revealed that he do not have any issues with the actor, and he is ready to do a movie with him.
Now, as per latest updates, Nadipin Nayagan also has expressed his interest to work with the acclaimed filmmaker. The news has set a huge wave of happiness among Suriya fans, and they are all waiting to see that vintage Suriya on screen.
The actor is now busy with the works of ‘Singam 3‘, and he is awaiting the release of ’24’.