Suriya, the Nadipin Nayagan of Tamil Cinema is now awaiting the release of his new movie 24 which is being directed by Vikram Kumar. Prior to the release of the movie, makers of the flick have now unleashed the first song composed by A R Rahman.
The song was released by A R Rahman through his official Facebook page on March 14 2016. The song is titled Kalam En Kadhali, and it is now receiving positive reviews from all corners.
Benny Dayal has delivered the voice for this song, while the lyrics is written by Vairamuthu.
Nithya Menon and Samantha Ruth Prabhu has done the roles of heroines in this movie. Vikram Prabhu’s last Tamil outing ‘Yaavarum Nalam’ was a sleeper hit, and the director aims to create a blockbuster through this Suriya movie.
The teaser of the movie was released some days back, and it has been well received by both audiences and critics alike.