Suriya, the Nadipin Nayagan of Tamil Cinema is all set to rock the screens again with his new movie ‘Singam 3’. After delays which caused as a result of Chennai floods, the film will finally go on floors on next week in Vishakhapatnam.
The makers of the movie have previously planned to begin the filming of this movie on December.
“We’re starting the filming from the second week of January. Now that most of the work on my other project 24 is almost over, we can totally focus on Singam 3”, says Suriya.
Singam 3 will be directed by Hari who has previously crafted the first two installments of this franchisee. Anushka Shetty and Shruti Haasan has been roped in to do the roles of lady leads in the movie.
The film will be produced by Suriya himself in the banner of 2D Entertainments.