Suriya, the Nadipin Nayagan of Kollywood has recently completed the shooting of ’24’ directed by Vikram Kumar. From next week, he will join the ‘Singam 3’ crew which will be helmed by Mass masala specialist Hari.
The film is being financed by Studio Green, and recently they told that an important announcement about ‘Singam 3’ will be made on January 07, 2016. This news has created loads of excitement among Suriya fans all over the state.
Earlier, a small video snippet was shared by the production house to guess the title of the movie. This move clearly indicates that ‘Singam 3’ will have a different title.
Hari is pretty much confident about the script of this movie, and he has already made it clear that this new movie will be bigger and mightier than the previous ones.
Anushka Shetty and Shruti Haasan will be doing the roles of heroines in this movie. For more details, stay updated.