Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

After seeing him spawn an entire generation of modified car lovers, Vin Diesel now is seen in an unfamiliar genre: supernatural action. Though he starred in the Riddick series, he plays a warrior in The Last Witch Hunter. The Last Witch Hunter deals with magic and doesn’t excuse itself from the violence from the very beginning. Kaulder (Vin Diesel) goes out on a mission in the late 1200s when witchcraft was common. He is looking to kill the all powerful Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht), accompanied by a few members of The Order of The Axe and The Cross. Kaulder is…

The Last Witch Hunter Movie Review

The Last Witch Hunter Movie Review




After seeing him spawn an entire generation of modified car lovers, Vin Diesel now is seen in an unfamiliar genre: supernatural action. Though he starred in the Riddick series, he plays a warrior in The Last Witch Hunter.

The Last Witch Hunter deals with magic and doesn’t excuse itself from the violence from the very beginning. Kaulder (Vin Diesel) goes out on a mission in the late 1200s when witchcraft was common. He is looking to kill the all powerful Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht), accompanied by a few members of The Order of The Axe and The Cross. Kaulder is cursed with immortality by the witch. Cut to present day New York. Kaulder is now looked after by the Dolan. Father Dolan (Michael Caine) is his close advisor and associate for the past fifty years.

The film is well supported by Elijah Wood and Leslie Rose (Game of Thrones), who play accomplices to Kaulder. Fast paced, the film has the striking ability to settle in within the first few minutes. The film though has a lot of mythological references, which are often used and leaves the viewer dazed. The quick dialogues exchanged between Diesel and Caine are a treat to watch. The story tends to lag in the second half though.

The editing transitions are seamless, with the CGI effects being the stand-out feature of the film. However, owing to its fast-paced start, the story seems a little short and half-baked. Save for Diesel’s brawn laden scenes and its effects, The Last Witch Hunter fills up with a little more of supernatural than action.

Verdict: The movie has a few indicators of a possible sequel, setting up for a franchise. Watch this with your friends over the weekend to enjoy Vin Diesel in a non- Fast and Furious role, which is the film’s USP.

Review By Shlomoh Samuel