Theri, the movie which stars Ilayathalapathy Vijay in the lead role is progressing steadily. The makers of the movie headed by director Atlee has completed the shooting in Goa, and they will start the final leg of shooting within a week in Chennai.
According to reports, ‘Theri’ crew are planning to complete the shooting of this movie before Pongal 2016. Atlee has completed the shooting of stunt sequences, and he is now aiming to shoot some small sequences in the coming days.
Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Non Stop Dance In Theri
Amy Jackson and Samantha Ruth Prabhu are the heroines in the movie. Vijay will be seen in the role of a dashing Police Officer, while Mahendran will enact the role of main antagonist.
G V Prakash Kumar, the young musician is marking his 50th musical venture through this flick, and he has high expectations when it comes to the songs of the film. Ilayathalapathy has already delivered his voice for one song in ‘Theri’.