Just two more days away from Ajith Kumar‘s much awaited film Vedhalam release, the whole movie team has been very upset by the recent events. a four minute clip of Ajith Kumar’s intro scene from Vedhalam is leaked and went viral on whatsapp. the 4 minute clip were recorded in a theatre. according to the reports, recently a special screening of Vedhalam took place for Ajith Kumar, Siruthai Siva and Anirudh Ravichander. the team suspect that it was then the clip was recorded. the team is currently investigating the case to find the hands behind this.
Ajith Kumar’s much awaited film Vedhalam is written and directed by Siva, after the blockbuster hit “Veeram” and produced by A. M. Rathnam. The film features Ajith Kumar, Shruti Haasan, Lakshmi Menon, Aniket Chouhan, Kabir Singh in the lead roles. Anirudh Ravichander has composed the music and the background score. This is the first time that Anirudh Ravichander has composed music for a Ajith Kumar movie.
The Teaser and song promo have already released and its created a huge impact on the Thala fans and audience both. Apart from the news of Ajith Kumar will to be seen in dual stunning roles and no other details regarding the film has been revealed yet. The audio of Ajith Kumar’s Vedhalam launched on 16th October 2015.