Vikram, renowned as Chiyaan among his fans is not going through the nicest times of his career. The actor tasted unexpected failure through the movie ‘10 Endrathukulla‘. The recent news about the star is regarding a new movie in which he will wear the director’s cap.
According to reports Chiyaan Vikram is all set to direct a movie which will feature Kannada Superstar Puneeth Rajkumar in the lead role. The film will be a tri lingual, and it will have simultaneous releases in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. Reports suggest that Vikram will share on screen space with Kannada star.
An official confirmation about this new movie will be unleashed in the coming days. If this movie becomes a reality, then it will surely break some box office records, as it marks the union of two big Superstars from Kollywood and Sandalwood.