Yami Gautham, the ravishing young beauty is a known face in both Bollywood and South Indian Industries. Recently, the actress was dragged into controversies, as many sources claimed that she is the sole cause of break up between Pulkit Samrat and his wife Shweta Rohira.
Gossip writers affirmed that Shweta said Adios to Pulkit after she saw both of them sharing some intimate moments. It should be noted that Pulkit and Yami started dating each other on the sets of their yet-to-be-released film Sanam Re.
In a recent talk with Shweta Rohira, she revealed that her husband Pulkit was never interested in Yami who always had her eyes on the handsome actor.
Shweta also added that Pulkit was never interested to do films with Yami. “That is ridiculous. I know my husband and Yami is the last person he would want to be involved with. In fact, he didnt even want to do films with her as he has acted with better actresses. Eight years ago, he had done a music video with her and at that time he wasnt even talking to her. Yami always had her eyes on him, but Pulkit never had the hots for her”, said Shweta.
Pulkit Samrat and Yami Gautham has huge expectations regarding Sanam Re and they hope that these controversies will bring extra mileage to the film.