The story of Yennai Arindhaal revolves around a thirteen-year old boy named Sathya Dev and shows for twentyfive years how this lad struggles and grows up to fulfill his mother’s wishes. Finally he becomes a police officer, a tough and honest cop.Of course there are bad guys too in this movie Revolver Richard (played by Vivek) and others. The leading ladies Trisha plays Hemanika and Anushka plays Thenmozhi in this flick.
This is a typical Gautham Menon movie stuffed with every spice, cops, bad guys, some hot romance with two bewitching beauties Anushka and Trisha, all neatly stuffed in sentiments and mass masala. Of course in every scene, Gautham Menon leaves his mark as an ace director. There is nothing new in the story; except it is Ajith’s brilliant performance in various distinct roles.
Ajith’s performance in Yennai Arindhaal is amazing. He literally enters into the character delivering awesome performance. Gautham Vasudev Menon has perfectly exploited Thala Ajith’s extra-ordinary talents in Yennai Arindhaal.
The romance between Ajith and Trisha literally set the screen on fire with their soft heart touching scenes. Anushka as a student was in her usual best.
Final words:
Yennai Arindhaal is Ajith and Ajith is Yennai Arindhaal. This simple fact makes the movie a super duper hit for sure.
Story: The story of Yennai Arindhaal revolves around a thirteen-year old boy named Sathya Dev and shows for twentyfive years how this lad struggles and grows up to fulfill his mother’s wishes. Finally he becomes a police officer, a tough and honest cop.Of course there are bad guys too in…
Yennai Arindhaal Review
Yennai Arindhaal Review