After the buzz of the most desirable men, now its time for the “most desirable women” buzz all around the film industry. The top place is occupied by the ‘I’ fame, Amy Jackson.
Times has published Amy Jackson name as the most desirable women of 2014. The beauty who was in the top list last year, that too in the top 5 list last year, finally grabbed the top title now.
The interesting thing is Amy was considered as iron leg in the industry and so not offered much movies. While the other star actresses are given huge opportunities in high budgeted films. But Amy crossed all those star actresses like Shruti, Samantha and Tamanna who stood 2,3 and 4th places respectively in terms of the times awards.
Coming to the other places, Anushka and Nayanatara grabbed the 6th and 7th places whose influence is first of all no where observed in the year.
There are gossips around the industry that Amy was able to grab this offer only because she was spotted in high budgeted movie like ‘I’ . But no where the buzz can be admitted to Amy as she was in the top list last year too where she not even had a single success. Its only the true recognition for a true beauty .