It was recently revealed that Kollywood Hit Maker AR Murugadoss had discussions with Rajinikanth for a movie, which will be bankrolled by none other than leading producer Aascar Ravichandran. But there are also speculations that he would be teaming up with Ajith before the superstar’s movie.
Rumours are rife that Murugadoss’ next movie is not confirmed yet because Rajinikanth also had talks with Shankar for a movie. As they are not busy with any film, there are chances that they could start the film at the earliest. It may be recalled that the duo had earlier worked in blockbusters like “Sivaji” and “Enthiran – The Robot”.
In case of Murugadoss, he has to complete his Bollywood film before starting any other film. The director joining hands with Ajith is a strong possibility as their dates could easily match. The actor is getting ready to start his next film with Siva and by the time this film gets completed, Murugadoss would have wrapped up his Bollywood film.
Of late, Murugadoss, in several interviews, revealed that he was willing to direct Ajith Kumar again.